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Our most powerful prayers are wrested from the depths of our soul. We might pray with stirring eloquence, but if our soul is not in them, they will be inauthentic and have no power to rise before God … which is why the broken stammered prayer wrent from a deeply struck soul, moves God (and all who hear it) powerfully. There is no comparison between the spiritual power of artful eloquence and authentic contrition.

If our soul could be compared to a tuning fork, both resonate when struck. A tuning fork will vibrate at a specific constant pitch emitting a pure musical tone once the high overtones fade out. Once a fork is designed to resonate at a certain frequency, it retains that frequency. … even if you drop it or dent it. Is this true of our soul? If we’ve been dropped and dented, is it possible for us to still ring true to how we were created? Can we ever recover our soul?

Every fifty years ancient Israel celebrated The Jubilee. It was a time of return and restoration. No matter how much a man had been dropped and dented, no matter how tragedy and misfortune had affected him over the last fifty years, in The Jubilee each man returned to the place that belonged to him, and what belonged to him was restored. Our soul is our most precious possession, and in the law of ancient Israel, we find our answer. There is a Jubilee where we can recover our soul, when we return to the place we belong, where what has been lost is fully restored to us.

Yeshua (Jesus’ Hebrew name) is our Jubilee. In him, the eternal mystery of redemption was fulfilled for our sakes, but not without our collaboration. Authentic fervent prayer releases the mystery of Jubilee.

When we are struck so that anguish rises from our soul to God, we will be heard. When we realize how far we have fallen, He will come near to help us. When we realize that we are at risk and vulnerable, crying out, He will be moved.

God told me two years ago to, “Walk in what I am working out,” A coming Jubilee is what He is working out.

But what will that return to Him and restoration look like? If authentic fervent prayer releases the mystery of Jubilee, If our most powerful prayers are wrested from the depths of our soul., but His people have become inauthentic and superficial, married to the world, what can God do? God strikes to heal. (Isaiah 19:22; Deuteronomy 32:39)

Blessed indeed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For He wounds, but He also binds; He strikes, but His hands also heal– Job 5:17,18

Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bind up our wounds–Hosea 6:2

The One I love, who loved us so much that He gave His only son for us is playing hardball. He is putting everything on the line for us, to help us recover our soul