Bill and I are facilitating a group taking a deep dive into Jonathan Cahn’s videos, from his first book through his last, to listen for the progression of the message God has given him. This is the context for what follows.
Very often when I first wake up, a clear thought will blaze across my untrammeled mind. I know it is God, by the tenor of His voice, and by the linkage of what He says to me over time. One morning this week as I was just waking up, lying in the dark, He asked me a question. “Has any nation ever risen to vaunt itself against Me, who I have not dealt with?”
It was a comforting question because of its obvious answer. He takes His time, but He misses nothing.
Descending to my cellar study, my coffee in hand, I was eager to begin my quiet time. My Bible was open to Isaiah 12 and I read through the 14th chapter, marking passages that stood out, going deeper into what intrigued me. Isaiah is describing God’s dealing with the king of Babylon, the archetype of those who would vaunt themselves against The Most High. The prophet moves in and out: describing this king first as a mortal man, but then shifting to address him as the immortal Lucifer. What begins to develop is the backstory for The Day of The Lord, when God judges not just the world system vaunting itself against Him, but the king, who has destroyed the earth, its peoples and nations. Isaiah’s vision moves back and forth between his own time and a time in the future, when Lucifer will be finally dealt with. God’s dealing with the king of Babylon takes on an eschatological quality…. as something that is, that was and that is yet to be. My Bible waiting for me with these scriptures was a continuance of the conversation He had begun with me upon my rising.
As I studied The Day of The Lord in greater detail, I found that the character or quality of that day (or season) was of greater importance to the prophets than its date. That day would take place at the fall of Babylon in ancient history, as foretold by Isaiah. What it was like for those involved was characterized by Jeremiah, Isaiah, Obadiah, Zephaniah, Amos and Joel in apocalyptic terms, but with details yet to be fulfilled, pointing to a future Day of the Lord. Peter quoted Joel’s description of that day (or season) as being part of what was happening at Pentecost. (Acts 2:15-21) One of the features of that day is that God breaks through to vindicate Himself and to bring an end to dehumanizing tyranny. He comes in divine intervention revealing His awesome power and presence in unmistakable terms. “He not only comes on the scene, but fills the screen of all that is. His presence totally dominates. Human existence pales before this giant reality.. On that day, ‘all hands will go limp, every man’s heart will melt’.’ (1)
Scooping up my notes, I jumped in my car to go to our prayer meeting, eager to share my discoveries. And then–on the way–the Lord broke into my thoughts, “America is like Rebekah” He said, “with two nations struggling in her womb.” It was like a bomb went off inside me. And when the dust settled, with those few words He had explained so much.
But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If it is so, why then am I this way?” So she went to inquire of the LORD.
The LORD said to her,
“Two nations are in your womb;
And two peoples will be separated from your body;
And one people shall be stronger than the other;
And the older shall serve the younger.”When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
Genesis 25:22-24
Like Esau, one of those nations has no regard for his birthright and inheritance, selling it cheaply. The other will stoop to any length to secure the birthright and inheritance. Think about this in terms of our national birthright and our constitutional inheritance. And what about our biological birthright and inheritance? If we sell it cheaply, we may find ourselves like Esau afterward, who when he desperately wanted the blessing back, could find no ground for repentance, though he sought the blessing with tears. In light of transgenderism and transhumanism, valuing our God-given birthright and inheritance will ultimately define what makes us human.
As I put this all together, what is God saying ? Jonathan Cahn’s message will be best understood if we recognize God’s warning in 911 as a wake-up call to the struggle we’re in. A day is coming for those who vaunt themselves against God. Our birthright and inheritance is on the line. How precious are they to us? We inhabit a dimension that is our proving ground, where we will prove Who and what we value. On that day in 2001, God allowed a tragedy that would begin to expose the struggle that has been taking place for far longer than most of us would have ever supposed. That struggle is with a people we are in intimate relationship with. When our confidence is shaken by the enormity of the apparatus they have built against us, we need to consider God, who has never failed to deal with any nation that has vaunted itself against Him. But in a day of woke culture bullying, threatening, cancelling, vilifying and demeaning those who stand to speak truth … who is the one who will sell his birthright and inheritance cheaply? Oh, God, let it not be me.
There are times for silent remembrance of those tragically murdered during the attacks against our nation on 9/11. And we must NEVER forget.
Once you’ve had your moment to say a silent prayer, I want you to then stand up and be silent no more.
Our country is, once again, under attack, this time by a far more insidious enemy. This enemy operates inside of the very institutions of power that are suppose to defend and protect the safety and security of every American.
September 11, 2023, General Mike Flynn