Posted at 14:40h
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Everything we believe about what GOD is doing in history is on the line. For almost 2,000 years, Israel was scattered among the nations--exiled from the land of their inheritance. But GOD promised that in the latter days, "The LORD your God will...
Posted at 02:02h
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From the moment that God made man in his image, breathing His breath into us, He gave us our inestimably precious birthright—the dominion of earth.
The heavens belong to the LORD, but he has given the earth to men. Psalm 115:16
In his book, Birthright, Timothy Alberino...
Posted at 00:22h
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It is noteworthy to me that both of these illustrations come from an artist in war ravaged Ukraine. I’m not the only one.whose mind is pregnant with this message. There are others as well. In his book The End of the World As We...
Posted at 02:16h
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Everything shifted sharply in 2020. It was the year of a global crackdown by those who used subterfuge and intimidation to exert control over the world population. Most of us have a sense of the season we are in, as we watch for the last...
Posted at 20:52h
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Think about it. Eternity is that realm where what is, what has been, and what is yet to be co-exist as one. The word of God streams to us from eternity, coalescing in the spirits of the prophets as Scripture. The promises of God have eternity...
Posted at 13:32h
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Somehow, I’de missed it. I have thought that Adam was "just a man", but now a whole new understanding is opening up to me. Adam was a son of God . . . the designation of a race, of a family of beings with a...
Posted at 13:01h
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Rising early to say my last good-bye, my eyes hungrily surveyed every detail that I would have normally passed without noticing. My car was packed. We had worked until late the night before getting ready to leave. In a few short hours we would...
Posted at 01:28h
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An earthquake is coming. Devastating images will assail us. It will stagger the United States of America, if and when we force Israel to divide into two states. All the earth is His, but Israel, that tiny strip of land contested more than any other...
Posted at 00:01h
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The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Without speech or language, without a sound to be heard, their voice has gone out into all...
25 Mar 333
Posted at 17:34h
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I worship a God who sovereignly moves on history to bring forth His purposes, who orchestrates circumstances with exquisite timing to preclude any confusion on our part that He is behind what is taking place. Recognizing God’s exquisite orchestration of circumstances has become my joy...