Book 2
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Book 2

Sometimes a single moment imprints us so strongly, that it stays with us, challenging us to more deeply understand what God is saying through it. A moment like that unfolded for me in the cool quiet of predawn hours, as I was sorting through the Isaiah...

  Why do some of us clearly understand what God is saying to us, while others don't?  Why is God so real to one, and yet not to another?  This is not a casual intellectual exercise for me; it is the anguish of my life, driving me to pound on heaven's...

  My dad died in the strength of God, even though that strength eluded him most of his life.  He loved Jesus. But a thousand times my heart was broken, aching for my father to win his battles, watching as he lost. But at the very...

. I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him… 2 Timothy 1:12 He came to me that morning, because the deep dread of disappointment was setting me up for despair, and we both...

  Our best practice for life’s big storms is to find God's way in the little storms, which are constantly coming. I've just weathered one, and getting to the other side with as little collateral damage as possible, struggling to find God's way, has better prepared...

  My passionate desire--for myself, and for you--is an ever-deepening awareness of how God is speaking to us.  In small and large ways God orchestrates circumstances to bring about parallel events that will speak to us. When these take place--and we recognize them--God breaks through to...

  Storms come. And no matter how little or how much warning we have, once they hit, we are stripped of control, finding ourselves at their mercy, holding on for dear life for as long as they last, having no way of knowing what depths we...

  It was a moment of sunlight burning through, penetrating her heart.  She was a leftist lesbian professor, loathing Christianity and fiercely protective of her LGBT community. She was the most unlikely of converts. But when the question came, she paused . . . haunted, wanting...

  For all the good things the church is, to love her is to grieve and wonder over the lack of God’s power and presence in her midst. We say that we want the power of God in our life. And God tells us that He...

Over the past several months, I’ve paused from writing, taking time to reflect and reassess the purpose of this blog.  During this time of deep study, I’ve been gripped by what God has taught me . . . timely truth that could not be more...