Field Notes
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Field Notes

What causes His light to be at home in me? What colors my heart and mind to be like His? What sensitizes me to the current of His will moving powerfully through all things to accomplish what He is working out?  What causes me to...

How long can we continue as a nation without the reverential fear of God? In the profane in-your-face excesses of Pride parades and semi-nude adult frolicking among children, in the utter lawlessness of our governmental institutions, there is no fear of God.   This has happened on our...

IN JESUS The Word Became Flesh Eternity Entered Time Infinite Became Finite Light Entered Darkness Creator Joined the Created All-Sufficient Became Dependent Ever-Present Help Became Helpless KIng of Kings Humbled Himself Master Chose to Serve High Priest Gave Himself As An Offering God Became Man ALL TRUTH IS A DYNAMIC POISED IN BALANCE BETWEEN TWO PARADOXES ...

My van brimmed with small children as we neared the kindergarten, their sweet chatter providing a needed contrast to my irascibility. In my heated mental struggle, Scripture’s contradictory statements were not making it any easier to pin down the truth. Suddenly time stood still. And...

From the thundering descriptions of God's voice sounding from Sinai to the subtlety of His still, small voice recorded elsewhere, nothing is more important than to know and obey His voice. And a great and mighty wind tore into the mountains and shattered the...

I was watching The Passion of the Christ again this Easter, when a short poignant moment between Pontus Pilate and his wife, Claudia, stood out to me. He has just had an exchange with Jesus, causing him to question what it means to hear the...

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.   2 Corinthians 4:6 The Narrative makes it clear...

For who is God, except the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God? It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. Enoch lived on earth in deep antiquity, the seventh generation from Adam, before the flood, when men’s lifespans...

I believe in realms and ages and time before earth existed. I believe that eternity is not just endless time, but beyond time and before time, holding all of time… with every moment of the past, present and future always unfolding there.  I believe that in...

As Judas walked into the night to betray him, Jesus chose that moment, before the cross, before the resurrection, before his ascension, to cry out, "Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him; if God is glorified in Him, God...