Field Notes
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Field Notes

Being taught, being led, being forewarned, being held up when you think you cannot stand, being comforted by a perfectly worded message to meet your specific need in a given moment of time, being shown what God is working for -- this is what the...

The keen awareness that his time was short spread like pale light filling the dome of Jesus’ conscious mind. There were no decisions to be made, everything was in order, and nothing was catching him by surprise.  He was prepared. He understood what God was...

Overhead a narrative is being told of what is, what has been, and what is yet to be. It tells us that no matter how it looks, He has not left us. No matter how deep the night, darkness will not prevail. Like the first...

It was April, 2020, and Covid was raging across the globe, when I noticed the stunning coincidence. It was Passover. For the first time in history since the very first Passover in Egypt, when Israel had sheltered in place as families, every family across the...

I keep seeing the Titanic going down in the cold North Atlantic at night.  As the ship sinks, bedlam ensues with people being suddenly engulfed by the cold dark water, terrified. It is too late to learn how to swim. But for those who find...